What is the essential foundation of a quality natural horse care program?
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Are You Feeding Your Horse These 4 ‘Healthy’ – Yet Dangerous – Foods?

Monsteranto – Hatch One Today
Have you ever watched the movie I Am Legend with Will Smith? The story is about a “cure” for cancer that later resulted in radical long term effects that almost knocked out the human race as we know it today.
At first, the treatment completely cures a patient’s cancer. That sounds great doesn’t it? Not so great if horrible mutations developed after the fact.
I walked away from that movie with a sick feeling in my stomach, because it’s not that far fetched from what could become a reality.
Something I keep in mind is that although science is powerful and beneficial, Mother Nature will always reign – one way or another. Man tends to easily forget that small detail.
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What Is Your Excuse for Not Taking Your Horse Barefoot?

What’s a sound barefoot horse?
Is taking your equine partner barefoot all that hard? Many people think so.
Some believe it’s this mystical thing that includes some form of voodoo and only some horses are capable of being barefoot.
Is this true? [Read more…]
To Blanket Your Horse or Not to Blanket … That Is the Question
A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right.” ~ Thomas Paine (Introduction to Common Sense 1776)
Have you ever thought about why people blanket their horses in the winter? If you question and explore this practice, you may be surprised by what you’ll learn.
Blanketing horses in the winter is a common horse keeping practice when it starts to get a little chilly outside.
Yes, you heard me right, a little chilly.
During the first onset of colder weather I notice many horses with their flashy blankets on. Since I live in the middle of one of the larger horse areas in the country, I don’t have to drive far before I spot one or two horses like this.
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Feeding a Horse Based on Nature’s Foundation for Health
Feeding a horse should be based on a natural and appropriate diet – this is one of the key principles for maintaining a healthy equine partner as part of your natural horse care program.
Nutrition is a huge subject that’s both a science and an art. Keeping that in mind, it’s not realistic to cover such a subject in great detail in a short article, however, what I can cover are some basic elements you need to consider when it comes to feeding a horse naturally.
In my opinion, diet is one of the most important ingredients in overcoming health problems in our horses as well as in ourselves.
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